Native Guard by Natasha Trethewey is split into three sections. The first focuses on the narrator's mother, her life and the abuse she suffered, and ultimately her death. The poems focus on loss, not only of the speaker's mother but also of a sense of home and identity. The second section focuses on the Native Guard, one of the first black regiments during the Civil War. Seen through the lenses of the soldiers we learn of their service, their loss, and their mistreatment. The bodies of their dead are left where they lie. When asked if they could be retrieved the general in charge claimed "I have no dead there". We learn that the Native Guard is still not acknowledged and honored. The third section is the poet's own investigation of her experience living in the south, specifically how being mixed race led to abuse, mistreatment, and racism from a community where her parents interracial marriage was considered illegal. And yet there is still a part of her that feels it is her home. All three explore sections the betrayals committed throughout history. A notes section is included that explains and honors the Native Guard in more depth. Quotes are italicized.

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