Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Holocaust by Charles Reznikoff

Holocaust by Charles Reznikoff consists of erasure poems, arranged in twelve sections, from Trials of War Criminals Before Nurenberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10 and Verbatim Record of the Trial and Appeal of Alofph Eichmann: In the Disctrict Court of Jerusalem, Criminal Case 40/61. Some sections have numbered breaks between poems others have stanza breaks; each section can be read as a single long poem. All of the language is from these sources, no original language has been brought into the work by Reznikoff. 

The author includes narrative notes on points where he thinks historical context is important. There are additional notes by Janet Sutherland about Reznikoff’s skill at erasure and even an example that puts a poem and its source text next to one another with commentary by Sutherland. Additionally, here is a note about the type face used. 

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