Monday, September 9, 2019

Bright Advent by Robert Strong

Bright Advent by Robert Strong is a collection of poems about the colonization of North America by religious English Puritans in the 1600’s. The poems focus on missionary John Eliot and his effort to convert Indigenous Algonquians of the Dawnland (or what the colonists claimed as “New England”) to his puritan faith. The book centers on the creation of a Native-language translation of the Bible called Up-Biblum God by John Sassamon under the coercion / direction of Eliot but includes nods to King Philip’s War and surrounding larger-scale and more intimate conflicts. Many of the poems are epistolary or in the form of conversational transcripts. Mainly these poems are written in the voices of Eliot or Sassamon. The book is largely about translation – of language, thought, religion and culture – and the layered dangers at play therein. There is a helpful historian’s note at the beginning of the book written by Christine DeLucia. Notes are in the back-end of the book, including an author’s statement, historical timeline, and extensive bibliography of source materials and suggested further reading. 


the author’s website:

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